logFC when counts are zero across all samples in the two groups
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Last seen 4.0 years ago
Singapore/National University of Singap…

My dataset from a microbiome study consists of two factors, one with two levels and the other with three. I am interested in both the fixed effects and the interaction. The first factor is fire with levels burnt and non-burnt. The second factor is depth with levels 0-5, 35-40 and 95-100.

I used the phyloseq wrapper phyloseq_to_deseq2 to convert my phyloseq object to one compatible with DESeq2. I then ran an LRT test

fire_dds <-
  phyloseq_to_deseq2(btp_ps_fire_filt, ~ fire + depth + fire:depth) %>%
  DESeq(., sfType = "poscounts", test = "LRT", reduced = ~fire + depth)

One of the contrasts I was interested in was to look for differences between 35-40 & 0-5 for non-burnt, which I extracted using

'Intercept' 'fire_non_burnt_vs_burnt' 'depth_35_40_vs_0_5' 'depth_95_100_vs_0_5' 'firenon_burnt.depth35_40' 'firenon_burnt.depth95_100'

  contrast = c(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), 
  test = "Wald"

However, when I inspected the results using plotCounts & also by examining the counts matrix accessed using counts(fire_dds, normalised = TRUE, I could see for some of the features which had a non-zero logFC & padj <= 0.05, the counts were infact zero in all the samples across both levels. One such feature was ASV_325. I am confused how to interpret this or what gives rise to such a result. I was expecting an NA to be returned in this case.

I also came across a handful of features which had counts only in one sample across both groups, yet had a padj <= 0.05 with a logFC. Would appreciate any help on how to interpret these results or any filtering that can suppress such features?

The dds object as an rds file is available here https://bit.ly/3jrcGx3

deseq2 • 1.1k views
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Last seen 1 day ago
United States

I've seen this happen in non-RNA-seq datasets when the counts are not plausibly negative binomial, e.g. bimodal within the groups. So then one approach would be to use non-parametric testing such as Wilcoxon-based methods.

But I think another practical approach that I've seen to work in these cases is to use lfcShrink on this comparison and then filter out any features with small shrunken LFC.

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Thanks, Mike. I gave it a go, but the problem still persists. The feature still has a large LFC after shrinkage.

I used lfcShrink(dds = dds, res = res, contrast = contrast, type = "ashr") as type = "normal" wasn't compatible with a design with interactions and I am not sure how to specify coef for a contrast that combines multiple coefficients.

Given these, my current solution is to do post-hoc filtering getting rid of features which are not present in a minimal number of samples in either of the groups. Looks like I might have to take a deeper look at the distributions to see what's going on.

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Sorry, I think this would work with apeglm specifically.

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Thanks, Mike. I used lfcShrink with apeglm & filtered out those with an absolute log FC <1 and it worked like a charm!


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