I'm following a tutorial for using MethylMix package for analyzing DNA methylation data, the problem is that the processing of the methylation data is soooo slow for being runned in my PC, so I need to run this script in a HPC cluster using the Slurm Workload Manager (this HPC uses MPI), but I had no idea about how to do it. Any suggestion?
cancerSite <- "OV"
targetDirectory <- paste0(getwd(), "/")
cl <- makeCluster(4)
# Downloading methylation data
METdirectories <- Download_DNAmethylation(cancerSite, targetDirectory)
# Processing methylation data
METProcessedData <- Preprocess_DNAmethylation(cancerSite, METdirectories)
# Saving methylation processed data
# saveRDS(METProcessedData, file = paste0(targetDirectory, "MET_", cancerSite, "_Processed.rds"))
# Downloading gene expression data
GEdirectories <- Download_GeneExpression(cancerSite, targetDirectory)
# Processing gene expression data
GEProcessedData <- Preprocess_GeneExpression(cancerSite, GEdirectories)
# Saving gene expression processed data
saveRDS(GEProcessedData, file = paste0(targetDirectory, "GE_", cancerSite, "_Processed.rds"))
# Clustering probes to genes methylation data
METProcessedData <- readRDS(paste0(targetDirectory, "MET_", cancerSite, "_Processed.rds"))
res <- ClusterProbes(METProcessedData[[1]], METProcessedData[[2]])
# Putting everything together in one file
toSave <- list(METcancer = res[[1]], METnormal = res[[2]], GEcancer = GEProcessedData[[1]],
GEnormal = GEProcessedData[[2]], ProbeMapping = res$ProbeMapping)
saveRDS(toSave, file = paste0(targetDirectory, "data_", cancerSite, ".rds"))