I have two datasets
Dataset 1: Control Samples Dataset 2: Case Samples (time-series data - week 1, week 3 and week 8 treatment) Control and Case individuals are totally different
I would like to analyze these two data within groups (data) and between groups (data)
Comparison between Control vs week 1 Comparison between Control vs week 3 Comparison between Control vs week 8
Comparison between week 1 vs week 3 Comparison between week 1 vs week 8 Comparison between week 3 vs week 8
How to make comparisons (makeContrasts) in LIMMA? Do I need to consider it as paired or unpaired in LIMMA?
Do I need to use "duplicateCorrelation" function to treat control and case samples as a random effect?
Any help would be great!
Thank you in advance, Yuvaraj
Please tell me that the RNA extractions and Illumina library preps for data set 1 and data set 2 happened at the same time...
This is a peptide array. All the experiments happened at the same time and batch.