Hi, I am working on 16s rRNA data with two groups, one control and one treated measured over 8 timepoints. We collected a sample from both groups before giving any treatment to just check if the two groups were similar at start. Unfortunately when I look at deseq2 results for this timepoint, I see some taxa being differentially expressed with reasonable differences in their mean abundances.
Is there a way to correct for this difference ?
Thanks! Hena
Thank you Michael for you reply! I agree to your comment about microbiome data and deseq2. I have been using corncob along with deseq2. I think we all end up using it because of the waste not want not paper (https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003531). Sorry I didn't search for microbiome data and deseq2
Do you have a suggestion in general on how best tackle this issue of difference in baseline? Is there some kind of normalization that could be done to the data at the beginning of the analysis like we do for batch correction etc.
Thanks Hena
Yes, see the workflow. You add a term to the design.