I am interested in testing for differentially expressed genes with edgeR
across multiple groups, using the ANOVA-like approach.
For example, in the mouse mammary gland experiment in the edgeR
user's guide, contrasts are defined and top differentially expressed genes obtained as follows:
con <- makeContrasts(
L.PvsL = L.pregnant - L.lactate,
L.VvsL = L.virgin - L.lactate,
L.VvsP = L.virgin - L.pregnant, levels = design
anov <- glmQLFTest(fit, contrast = con)
How should one best approach the question of which of these genes are significantly different for the individual comparisons?
If instead the samples had been processed using voom
from the limma
package, the decideTests
function has two methods, "global"
and "nestedF"
, which could be appropriate for this purpose; however, decideTests
in edgeR
does not have a similar argument.
One can use glmQLFTest
repeatedly, selecting the individual comparisons:
qlf.L.PvsL <- glmQLFTest(fit, contrast = con[, "L.PvsL"])
qlf.L.VvsL <- glmQLFTest(fit, contrast = con[, "L.VvsL"])
qlf.L.VvsP <- glmQLFTest(fit, contrast = con[, "L.VvsP"])
Should one then take the unadjusted p-values from these three tests and then adjust them all together, something like the "global"
Many thanks Gordon. A clear and rapid response! Jamie.