I am using DMRcate to find diferencially methylated regions between two groups of samples, from the Beta Values of a set of samples data that I downloaded from TCGA repository.
I have performed the probe wise analysis first, using limma, so I have generated the design and contrast matrix with this package. Now, I am using this command with DMRcate:
myAnnotation <- cpg.annotate(object = as.matrix(bVals_filtered), datatype = "array", arraytype = c("450K"), what = "Beta",
analysis.type = "differential", design = design,
contrasts = TRUE, cont.matrix = contMatrix,
coef = "B - A", fdr = 0.01)
After that, I get this error:
Error in if (nsig == 0) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Is any way to handle NA in the Beta values matrix? If I filter rows containing some NA then I keep just a few probes, compared with the total amount of probes in the array.
Why do you have so many NA values in your Beta matrix? I've never actually (so far as I recall) even seen one NA value, not to mention enough that you filter out most of your probes.
I don't know that, I have downloaded this data from the TCGA. But, if I remove rows with some NA, then I get just 47495 probes, which is a quite low amount.