Dear Bioconductor team,
I generated counts from star aligned bam using htseq and following the best practices to do differential expression using DESeq2.
Here is my sample information with condition & batch columns
Sample condition batch
sample_6M_C1 sample_6M_C B1
sample_6M_C2 sample_6M_C B1
sample_6M_C3 sample_6M_C B1
sample_6M_H1 sample_6M_H B1
sample_6M_H2 sample_6M_H B1
sample_6M_H3 sample_6M_H B1
sample_6M_M1 sample_6M_M B1
sample_6M_M2 sample_6M_M B1
sample_6M_M3 sample_6M_M B1
sample_3M_C1 sample_3M_C B3
sample_3M_C2 sample_3M_C B3
sample_3M_C3 sample_3M_C B3
sample_3M_H1 sample_3M_H B3
sample_3M_H2 sample_3M_H B3
sample_3M_H3 sample_3M_H B3
sample_3M_M1 sample_3M_M B3
sample_3M_M2 sample_3M_M B3
sample_3M_M3 sample_3M_M B3
sample_5D_C1 sample_5D_C B4
sample_5D_C2 sample_5D_C B4
sample_5D_C3 sample_5D_C B4
sample_5D_H1 sample_5D_H B4
sample_5D_H2 sample_5D_H B4
sample_5D_H3 sample_5D_H B4
sample_5D_M1 sample_5D_M B4
sample_5D_M2 sample_5D_M B4
sample_5D_M3 sample_5D_M B4
And when i run DESeq2 it is giving the below error
ddsHTSeq <- DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount(sampleTable = sampleTable,directory = outdir , design = ~ batch + condition)
Error in checkFullRank(modelMatrix) :
the model matrix is not full rank, so the model cannot be fit as specified.
One or more variables or interaction terms in the design formula are linear
combinations of the others and must be removed.
Please read the vignette section 'Model matrix not full rank':
I have seen couple of discussions on the same error, but in my case error is due to adding batch effect to design.
Could you please help me to resolve this.
Thanks In Advance Fazulur Rehaman
No, you really do have the same problem that just about everyone does who asks about that message. You get the same answer everyone gets; no software can do what you are asking the software to do.