Hi, I am new to flow cytometry and to flowcore / ncdfFlow so I apologize if I missed anything when reading the documentation.
When I load single flow frames with read.FCS
I can pass the argument to keep max ranges, so this command works well:
fr <- read.FCSfile.name, alter.names=TRUE, transformation=FALSE, truncate_max_range=FALSE)
I understand from the man page that read.ncdfFlowSet
should accept read.FCS arguments but it seems to ignore truncate_max_range=FALSE
ncfs <- read.ncdfFlowSet(fcsFiles, alter.names=TRUE, transformation=FALSE, truncate_max_range=FALSE)
The output I get is identical to when I read a single frame with truncate_max_range=TRUE
Is there another way to include the maximum range?
Thanks! Adi
update: When loading the data with the
truncate_max_range=FALSE argument
and looking at one of the frames, the max range is shown to be 4, whereas when executing a summary command, it shows a maximum value of 5