Direct interactions in graphite ?
Last seen 4.5 years ago
hello !
I'm trying to use graphite to extrat direct interactions between molecules (so, without any intermediate molecules). I tried this with Reactome, but when i checked interactions obtained with graphite in Reactome, i see only a few direct interactions on PathwayBrowser, not all graphite results. Is there a way to get only the interactions i want on graphite ?
Last seen 3.1 years ago
European Union
You can extract direct interactions from a pathway making use of the "type" attribute of each edge.
Taking a Reactome pathway as an example:
> library(graphite)
> library(dplyr)
> hsa <- pathways("hsapiens", "reactome")
> edges(hsa[["Apoptosis"]]) %>% filter(type=="Process(BiochemicalReaction)")
src_type src dest_type dest direction type
1 UNIPROT P0CG47 UNIPROT Q13177 directed Process(BiochemicalReaction)
2 UNIPROT P0CG48 UNIPROT Q13177 directed Process(BiochemicalReaction)
3 UNIPROT P62979 UNIPROT Q13177 directed Process(BiochemicalReaction)
4 UNIPROT P62987 UNIPROT Q13177 directed Process(BiochemicalReaction)
5 UNIPROT Q13177 UNIPROT P0CG47 directed Process(BiochemicalReaction)
6 UNIPROT Q13177 UNIPROT P0CG48 directed Process(BiochemicalReaction)
7 UNIPROT Q13177 UNIPROT P62979 directed Process(BiochemicalReaction)
8 UNIPROT Q13177 UNIPROT P62987 directed Process(BiochemicalReaction)
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OK, thank you for your answer !