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Jeff Gentry ★ 3.9k
Last seen 10.1 years ago
Hello ... The latest version of getBioC() (1.2.28) involves a change to its parameters and not just internal improvements. This will not affect most users, but for those who it will affect: - The 'isDevel' and 'version' arguments are no longer present. - A 'relLevel' argument has been added, which can be one of 'release', 'devel', 'contrib', and 'release1.0'. The default is 'release', which will always point ot the current release (currently 1.1). The 'contrib' option will install/update packages that have been contributed by the Bioconductor user community. -Jeff
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Last seen 10.1 years ago
Hi all, Does anybody know what goes wrong when I receive the message Error: evaluation is nested too deeply: infinite recursion? during installation with getBioC() using getAllDeps=T? See the log attached for more details. Thanks Claudio Jeff Gentry wrote: >Hello ... > >The latest version of getBioC() (1.2.28) involves a change to its >parameters and not just internal improvements. This will not affect most >users, but for those who it will affect: > >- The 'isDevel' and 'version' arguments are no longer present. >- A 'relLevel' argument has been added, which can be one of 'release', >'devel', 'contrib', and 'release1.0'. The default is 'release', which >will always point ot the current release (currently 1.1). The 'contrib' >option will install/update packages that have been contributed by the >Bioconductor user community. > >-Jeff > >_______________________________________________ >Bioconductor mailing list > > > > > -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Claudio Lottaz Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics Computational Molecular Biology Department Ihnestrasse 73, D-14195 Berlin (Germany) phone: +49 (0)30 8413 1177 fax: +49 (0)30 8413 1176 www: -------------- next part -------------- R : Copyright 2003, The R Development Core Team Version 1.7.0 (2003-04-16) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type `license()' or `licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type `contributors()' for more information. Type `demo()' for some demos, `help()' for on-line help, or `help.start()' for a HTML browser interface to help. Type `q()' to quit R. > source('') > .libPaths('/project/gene_expression/lib/R/alpha/devel') > getBioC(libName='all',destdir='/project/gene_expression/lib/R/alpha/ devel',relLevel='devel',getAllDeps=T) Running getBioC version 1.2.28.... If you encounter problems, first make sure that you are running the latest version of getBioC() which can be found at: Please direct any concerns or questions to [1] "Installing reposTools ..." Creating a new generic function for "summary" in package reposTools Synching your local package management information ... Packages which have been added/updated: AnnBuilder Biobase DynDoc ROC Ruuid SAGElyzer affy affycomp annotate dbTools edd genefilter geneplotter golubEsets graph hexbin makecdfenv marrayClasses marrayInput marrayNorm marrayPlots marrayTools multtest pubRepo tkWidgets vsn Packages which have been removed: KernSmooth MASS base boot class cluster ctest eda foreign grid lattice lqs methods mgcv modreg mva nlme nls nnet rpart spatial splines stepfun survival tcltk tools ts Packages which have been added/updated: KernSmooth MASS base boot class cluster ctest eda foreign grid lattice lqs methods mgcv modreg mva nlme nls nnet rpart spatial splines stepfun survival tcltk tools ts Note: No specified download type, defaulting to Source Note: No specified download type, defaulting to Source [1] "Attempting to download reposTools from" [1] "Download complete." [1] "Installing reposTools" * Installing *source* package 'reposTools' ... ** R ** data ** inst ** help >>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'reposTools' Formats: text html latex example ReposEntry-class text html latex example ReposList-class text html latex example VersionNumber-class text html latex example buildPkgInfo text html latex example buildPkgListing text html latex example buildReposEntry text html latex example buildVersionNumber text html latex example buildVigDf text html latex example checkVers text html latex example close.locLib text html latex example download.vignettes text html latex example genRepos text html latex example genReposHtml text html latex example getLocalPkgs text html latex example getMaxVersion text html latex example getOptReposList text html latex example getPkgVers text html latex example getReplisting text html latex example getReposEntry text html latex example getReposList text html latex example getRversion text html latex example getVigDeps text html latex example initVersionNumber text html latex install.packages2 text html latex example load.depends text html latex example load.locLib text html latex example loadRepDD text html latex example note text html latex example pkgInfo-class text html latex example pkgListing-class text html latex example pkgStatus-class text html latex example pkgStatusList-class text html latex example repdatadesc-class text html latex example replisting-class text html latex example resolve.depends text html latex example save.locLib text html latex example saveDfRda text html latex example splitDFstrings text html latex example syncLocalLibList text html latex example unpackExtractPkgDESC text html latex example userQuery text html latex example winConvertSourceRepos text html latex example * DONE (reposTools) * DONE (INSTALL) [1] "Installation complete" Note: No specified download type, defaulting to Source Note: No specified download type, defaulting to Source [1] "Attempting to download widgetTools from" [1] "Download complete." [1] "Installing widgetTools" * Installing *source* package 'widgetTools' ... ** R ** inst ** help >>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'widgetTools' Formats: text html latex example basicPW-class text html latex example button text html latex example makeViewer text html latex example widget-class text html latex example widgetView-class text html latex example writeText text html latex example * DONE (widgetTools) * DONE (INSTALL) [1] "Installation complete" Note: No specified download type, defaulting to Source Note: No specified download type, defaulting to Source Note: No specified download type, defaulting to Source Note: No specified download type, defaulting to Source Note: No specified download type, defaulting to Source Note: No specified download type, defaulting to Source Note: No specified download type, defaulting to Source Note: No specified download type, defaulting to Source
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> Hi all, > Does anybody know what goes wrong when I receive the message > Error: evaluation is nested too deeply: infinite recursion? I just checked in some fixes that should fix this problem, which will be available for download tommorow morning. -J

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