Hi Mike,
I'm getting a curl
error when using the getBM()
[1] "https://useast.ensembl.org:443/biomart/martservice?redirect=no"
getBM(attributes = c('ensembl_transcript_id','transcript_tsl'),
filters = 'external_gene_name',
values = my_fav_gene_of_interest,
mart = ensembl,
verbose = F,
uniqueRows = T,
quote = "\'")
Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) :
Timeout was reached: [useast.ensembl.org:8443] Connection timed out after 10005 milliseconds
I am using getBM
in a loop and I saw that one of the options of this function is curl
An optional 'CURLHandle' object, that can be used to speed up getBM when used in a loop.
In the reference vignette I cannot really find info on how to properly use this option. I assume I should create a new handle and set some longer timeout options like:
h_long <- new_handle()
handle_option(h_long, timeout = 99999)
But I'm not really sure if this would help or if the syntax is right. Any suggestion or help would be greatly appreciated!
I'm using curl
version 4.3 and biomaRt
version 2.42
Thanks a lot! Nicco
Thanks for the suggestion, I used
just because I thought it is (geographically) closer to Europe (where I am now). I managed to connect again and I cannot get the error again.