Hi Michael or DESEQ2 community,
First, sorry, I'm not sure why the images don't load, but if you right click on them they will.
When I use the DESEQ2 results() function I get a variable called stat, which is useful for GSEA.
When I run lfcshrink on the DESEQ2 dataset the stat column isn't there. It also isn't there in the screen shot in the vignette
When I use the code from this post to generate an example dataset and run lfcshrink on it the stat column is there:
dds <- makeExampleDESeqDataSet(betaSD=1)
dds <- DESeq(dds, betaPrior = FALSE)
res <- results(dds)
res.shr <- lfcShrink(dds=dds, coef=2, res=res)
What determines if the stat column is present in the results of lfcshrink or not and how to I make sure it is present? I'm interested in this because, from what I have read, the stat column is useful for GSEA analysis (fGSEA package) and from what I have found and is posted in the vignette I get the impression it is best to use shrinkage for downstream analysis. Thanks for your help!