Hello, Dr Stark. I am confused about the parameter DBASCORETMMREADSEFFECTIVE_CPM.
It says that DBASCORETMMREADSEFFECTIVE -> TMM normalized (using edgeR), using ChIP read counts and Effective Library size DBASCORETMMREADSEFFECTIVECPM -> same as DBASCORETMMREADS_EFFECTIVE, but reported in counts-per-million.
I konw the meaning of TMM and CPM. But I am confused about the DBASCORETMMREADSEFFECTIVE_CPM . At first I think it first get the TMM value, than normazlie TMM vlaue into CPM value. But I find the sum of value is not 1M, which confuse me
> colSums(CPM_merge)
E5_0h_R1 E5_0h_R2 E5_3D_R1 E5_3D_R2 E5_3D_R3
1076920.7 1050878.6 1154048.9 1100915.8 1023065.8
G3_R1 G3_R2 G3_R3 G3E1_R1 G3E1_R2
1013695.3 984226.9 1116362.4 941578.9 924370.8
G3E3_R1 G3E3_R2 G3E7_R1 G3E7_R2
955514.5 917167.8 915660.3 873877.5
My Tototal code is
dba_meta <- dba(minOverlap = 1, sampleSheet = sample_info)
dba_count <- dba.count(dba_meta,minOverlap = 1,score = DBA_SCORE_TMM_READS_EFFECTIVE_CPM)
peak_CPM_list <- dba_count$peaks
names(peak_CPM_list) <- dba_count$samples$SampleID
scores <- lapply(peak_CPM_list, function(x) {x$Score})
CPM_merge <- do.call(cbind, scores)
Best wishes Guandong Shang
And I have another confuse about the DiffBind Question: The coordinate system problem about DiffBind output if you can help me also, that will be greatul :)
I am not sure I understand well Just a example