Using DESeq2 for normalization of dataset with no replicates
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Last seen 4.9 years ago
USA/Memphis/University of Tennessee HSC

Hello dare,

I am a beginner in using Bioconductor and DESeq2. I have a dataset of RNAseq, which gets from RSEM tool, for different samples (no replicate). I want to use DESeq2 for the normalization of the gene counts. Here is the RNAseq dataset:

> setwd("./rsem_export_dataset")
> RSEM_output_gene_files <- file.path(getwd(), paste0(samples$sample_ID, ".genes.results"))
> names(RSEM_output_gene_files) <- samples$sample_ID
> txi.rsem <- tximport(RSEM_output_gene_files, type="rsem", txIn=FALSE, txOut=FALSE) 
> txi.rsem$length[txi.rsem$length == 0] <- 1
> dds <- DESeqDataSetFromTximport(txi.rsem, samples, ~sample_ID)

> head(assay(dds),5)[,1:3]

                                       s_00077E7AC5     s_00077E7B8A     s_00077E7B99   
ENSRNOG00000000001_AABR07013255.1            0                1                0                            
ENSRNOG00000000007_Gad1                   5780              633             4914                     
ENSRNOG00000000008_Alx4                      0                1               25                          
ENSRNOG00000000009_Tmco5b                    0                0                0                           
ENSRNOG00000000010_Cbln1                   231              219              160

My samples table has some information about 53 samples, like Age, Sex, Batch_ID, and IOP. IOP is a disease feature, which I want to calculate the correlation of IOP with some limit genes per each sample.

> head (samples,2)

                sample_ID         Sex    Batch     AgeInDays  Class_IOP   Avg_IOP   Class_Age
s_00077E7AC5    s_00077E7AC5      F      B14       151        High        24        A2_Adult
s_00077E7B8A    s_00077E7B8A      F      B12       228        Normal      12        A4_Aged

The goal is to calculate the correlation between AvgIOP and some genes like ENSRNOG00000000007Gad1 for all 53 samples. The question is I have no replicates, and I need to put ~sample_ID as a design formula. However, when I run the rlog function, as below, I have an error:

> rld <- rlog(dds, blind=FALSE)

using 'avgTxLength' from assays(dds), correcting for library size
Error in estimateDispersionsGeneEst(object, quiet = TRUE) : 
  the number of samples and the number of model coefficients are equal,
  i.e., there are no replicates to estimate the dispersion.
  use an alternate design formula

To solve this problem, I used blind=TRUE, but as I understood it is not a correct solution. Could you please guide me. Thank you so much in advance for your time.

Sincerely, Hadi

normalization deseq2 • 1.6k views
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Last seen 1 day ago
United States

Just use design=~1 for estimating rlog, to get past this error.

Alternatively, you could specify, just for example design=~Sex + Batch to account for variance in sex and batch effects.

If you want to use age, I'd recommend to scale age first.

samples$age.scaled <- scale(samples$age)

Then you could add age.scaled to the design as well if you want.


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