I just started using DESeq2 for myy RNAseq data analysis and whenever I re-open the project I created to work and I try to call the package DESeq2 with library, I get an error like the one below but for different packages evertime I open the project:
*> library("DESeq2")
Error: package or namespace load failed for 'DESeq2' in loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[j]]):
no package named 'nnet' is found
In addition: Warning message:
the 'DESeq2' package has been compiled with version R 3.5.2.*
So far, I have had to separately install the following packages (in the order, R has been asking be to do): BiocManager::install("annotate") BiocManager::install("GenomeInfoDb") BiocManager::install("GenomicRanges") BiocManager::install("DelayedArray") BiocManager::install("vsn") BiocManager::install("farver") BiocManager::install("hexbin") BiocManager::install("pheatmap") BiocManager::install("yaml") BiocManager::install("vctrs")
And today, when I re-openned I got a new one to install again... It is "nnet". It is quite annoying that everytime I want to work again on my project, I have to install a completely new package...
Does anyone have any idea of why it does that ? Any tips to make it stop so DESeq2 can be called without any incident ?
I would be really grateful for your help,