I want to do gene DE for my cohort (40 cases vs 20 controls) with several covariates (age, sex, subject, RNA integrity number) in edgeR. However, I get the following warning in estimateDisp step (see below). I have read the edgeRNA manual and I assume this is due to fitting a lot of models (or lack of replicates) ? If so, however, I dont know which of suggested choices (2-4 ) is the best alternative? and how to do this (for exmple option 3). Thanks
design <- model.matrix(~ subject + age + sex + RIN + treatment)
Warning message: In estimateDisp.default(y = y$counts, design = design, group = group, : No residual df: setting dispersion to NA
If you are using edgeR, please don't also tag DESeq2, it is a waste of developer time to get these emails.
Thanks Michael Love for your warning. (I thought people may have DESeq2 solutions for this)