Hello, I am new to using biomaRt for conversting ensemble gene ids into gene symbols and I have been looking at may quesitons/answers ...bu I am getting this weird result. When I query individually my gene ids, getBM() works perfectly. However, when I send a large vector of values, all the values it returns the wrong ids (i've put some results below):
ensmart <- useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL")
ensmart <- useDataset("mmusculus_gene_ensembl", ensmart)
This is the head of the list I am sending:
> head(sigres$Genid)
[1] "ENSMUSG00000051951" "ENSMUSG00000103377" "ENSMUSG00000104017" "ENSMUSG00000103161" "ENSMUSG00000102331"
[6] "ENSMUSG00000025902"
and the getBM command:
> head(getBM(attributes=c("external_gene_name","ensembl_gene_id"),
+ filters="ensembl_gene_id",values=sigres$Genid,mart=ensmart))
returns this:
external_gene_name ensembl_gene_id
1 Gpr107 ENSMUSG00000000194
2 Rem1 ENSMUSG00000000359
3 Pxmp4 ENSMUSG00000000876
4 Rrp15 ENSMUSG00000001305
5 Ube2c ENSMUSG00000001403
6 Aif1l ENSMUSG00000001864
However, when using only one entry:
> head(getBM(attributes=c("external_gene_name","ensembl_gene_id"),
+ filters="ensembl_gene_id",values="ENSMUSG00000051951",mart=ensmart))
external_gene_name ensembl_gene_id
1 Xkr4 ENSMUSG00000051951
it returns the correct entry....
Is there something that is happening when I send a vector versus individually? I have over 6000 entries, and doing these individually is not feasible....
Thank you in advance!! sorry...forgot to add:
R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.2
[1] biomaRt_2.42.0 DESeq2_1.26.0 BiocManager_1.30.10 SummarizedExperiment_1.16.1
[5] DelayedArray_0.12.2 BiocParallel_1.20.1 matrixStats_0.55.0 Biobase_2.46.0
[9] GenomicRanges_1.38.0 GenomeInfoDb_1.22.0 IRanges_2.20.2 S4Vectors_0.24.3
[13] BiocGenerics_0.32.0
So you are sure that ENSMUSG00000000194 isn't in your full list?
Ah, the are indeed there...not in the same order that I sent them...that's why I they appear to be different since I was only showing the first 5. When I do a small test, they are indeed all there. Thanks!! Is there a way to return them in the same order sent? Not crucial as I can always merge at the end.