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Last seen 4.3 years ago
I have used the function
plotPCA(vsd, intgroup = c("location", "station"))
to visualize a PCA with all my samples (genes expressed differently on different samples, under different environmental conditions).
I would like to plot the environmental variables (conditions of the samples) with arrow on top to see the effect of the environmental variables.
similar to what they do in "facto extra" -> fvizpcabiplot.
Or is there a way to merge the PCA I have created adding the environmental variables on top?
I have also read about the Redundancy Analysis used to correlate species matrix against environmental descriptors, is this something that would be recommended doing? I am confused as the initial df has samples in rows and genes in columns, and another df with the environmental variables.
I have also read about the Redundancy Analysis used to correlate species matrix against environmental descriptors, is this something that would be recommended doing? I am confused as the initial df has samples in rows and genes in columns, and another df with the environmental variables.