I'm trying to compare two datasets. One of the comparisons I want to do is comparing DESeq's basemean of genes across the two datasets. I did a log of the BaseMean and made graphs. I've noticed that the graphs (below) have a gap at the start meaning that there are no genes with below that many FPKM. I don't think there's a filter in my data, and so I don't know why it's the case. Does anyone have any ideas? My code to run DESeq is here.
CDS <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = ReadList, colData = coldata, design = as.formula("~ Condition"))
CDS <- DESeq(CDS, test = "LRT", reduced = formula0, minReplicatesForReplace = 5 )
FPKM <- data.frame(counts(CDS, normalized=T)) %>%
Edit: the picture wouldn't load. Graphs show themselves starting at about 1.25 on the X axis and 3 on the Y axis
Sorry, I know, I just got lazy with naming.
And yes, I can't see where I've done that but I must have somewhere so will have a hunt. Just wanted to check that there wasn't a step I didn't know about that removed them.