I have been trying to use IsocorrectoR for natural background correction but looks like it is unable to handle some molecular formulas with more than 99 hydrogen atoms. The error I get is:
Error in errorHandler(notification, logEnvironment, "error", verbose = verbose): In molecule file column 2, row 5, molecule GM: Molecule formula C73H130N3O31LabH6 doesn't match the required syntax.
Please let me know if this package cannot correct for natural abundance in molecules that have elements > 99 in number. In my case the example is of a ganglioside (GM1) with molecular formula : C73H130N3O31. The hydrogen atoms > 99 (130) is being returned with an error.
Cheers Farheen
Dear Farheen,
we are sorry for the inconvenience. You are right, IsoCorrectoR currently does not allow more than 99 atoms per element when checking the molecule file. We will fix that issue and update the package.
Kind regards,