Results counts to Deseq object
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Raquel • 0
Last seen 4.8 years ago

Hi, I am new using R and trying to analyze my RNAseq data. right now I have a table like this:


                C KO  C  KO  C KO  C KO   C  KO  C  KO

ENSMUSG00000000001 25 29 13 62 5 27 26 37 63 39 38 38

ENSMUSG00000000056 14 20 7 39 8 19 28 19 34 23 19 21

ENSMUSG00000000078 59 50 19 57 18 38 45 38 81 36 50 32

ENSMUSG00000000085 23 43 17 62 13 36 55 25 73 67 43 54

ENSMUSG00000000088 8 27 21 45 7 18 28 30 43 33 31 21

ENSMUSG00000000131 59 79 19 122 17 65 54 53 103 101 84 100

I do not know how to convert this in a Deseq object. I tried to tell that I have two conditions "C" and "KO", but any command is working. And I also do not know how to check that my counts are really considered counts. when I try to see how the table is define it looks like I do not have a matrix.


Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function ‘colData’ for signature ‘"matrix"’

Any help is welcome! Thanks

deseq2 countmatrix • 424 views
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Last seen 7 hours ago
United States

Take a look at the vignette and the workflow (linked from top of vignette). We have a lot of documentation where we work through all the basics including object construction.


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