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Last seen 5.3 years ago
Okay, so I added the GEOQuery package and got the data from GEO NCBI. How do I now apply the following step to the data?
anno <- select(hgu133plus2.db,
keys = (featureNames(eset)),
columns = c("SYMBOL", "GENENAME"),
keytype = "PROBEID")
Thank you in advance. Also how do I use the read.table function to put a txt file into R?
I am trying to conduct a microarray analysis on a dataset that did not have an annotation package. I added the data into R. How do I proceed with getting probe IDs and differential gene expression?
here is the code I have gotten so far:
In your
above, you'll need to use an Annotation database, not GEOquery. You also seem to have a fair number of typos, so you may benefit from a little instruction in using R, as having a foundation in the basics or R is valuable for using Bioconductor.