I'm following this vignette (https://rdrr.io/bioc/transcriptR/f/vignettes/transcriptR.Rmd) for transcriptR, when estimating gap distance I get the following error.
# create a range of gap distances to test
# from 0 bp to 10000 bp with the step of 100 bp
gd <- seq(from = 0, to = 10000, by = 100)
estimateGapDistance(object = tds, annot = knownGene.genes, filter.annot = TRUE,
fpkm.quantile = 0.25, gap.dist.range = gd)
# view the optimal gap distance minimazing the sum of two errors
Error in mergeNamedAtomicVectors(seqlengths(x), seqlengths(y), what = c("sequence", : sequences chr1, chr2, chr3, chr4, chr5, chr6, chr7, chr8, chr9, chr10, chr11, chr12, chr13, chr14, chr15, chr16, chr17, chr18, chr19, chr20, chr21, chr22, chrX, chrY, chrM have incompatible seqlengths: - in 'x': 249250621, 243199373, 198022430, 191154276, 180915260, 171115067, 159138663, 146364022, 141213431, 135534747, 135006516, 133851895, 115169878, 107349540, 102531392, 90354753, 81195210, 78077248, 59128983, 63025520, 48129895, 51304566, 155270560, 59373566, 16571 - in 'y': 248956422, 242193529, 198295559, 190214555, 181538259, 170805979, 159345973, 145138636, 138394717, 133797422, 135086622, 133275309, 114364328, 107043718, 101991189, 90338345, 83257441, 80373285, 58617616, 64444167, 46709983, 50818468, 156040895, 57227415, 16569
I suspect this has something to do with (https://support.bioconductor.org/p/101694/).
But I am really not sure, any help would be appreciated. I processed these paired end reads using STAR to generate this bam file. There doesn't seem to be any advice for preprocessing to generate bam files as input for transcriptR. I assume reads should be aligned to the genome (in the case of this vignette hg19)?
When you are writing out your post, there is a box right below where you are typing that shows what your post will eventually look like. If you re-read your post, do you think that is particularly legible? Ideally you would use the preview box to ensure that what you are posting is legible. Part of getting people to help is on you to make it easy for them to do so.
Also, when you post a question there is this sentence right above the box where you type that says
Please read that tutorial post and then fix your question.
Hi James. I have edited it now. The preview actually wasn't the same as what was being posted. When I removed the code chunk title, the post became the same as the preview.