Found gaps in scan time of file : cut scantime-vector at NA seconds. Error: BiocParallel errors element index: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 first error: argument is of length zero
Entering edit mode
abrsoule ▴ 30
Last seen 3.5 years ago
United States


I have a large dataset of MS and MSMS data on crude chemical extracts from tropical tree leaves. I have successfully created and run an XCMS pipeline that has allowed us to classify and identify several compounds within these samples that have been run on a 150mm C18 column using reverse phase chromatography. However, when I attempt to use our pipeline for the same samples instead run on a 100mm amide column using normal phase chromatography, I am met with a fatal error that occurs within the XCMS function adjustRtime():

Sample number 4 used as center sample.
Aligning BN_amide_090.mzXML against DN1620_polar.mzXML ... Found gaps in scan times of the center sample: cut scantime-vector at NA seconds.
Found gaps in scan time of file BN_amide_090.mzXML: cut scantime-vector at NA seconds.
Error: BiocParallel errors
  element index: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  first error: argument is of length zero

Before this step, we have a step that uses the XCMS function findChromPeaks() which outputted warning messages that no peaks were found in samples 1 or 2, corresponding to our two associated blank runs (used to make sure we are not considering any potential contaminants as part of our samples). I attempted to adjust the CentWaveParam() for this function, but was still unable to pick up peaks in these blanks. I thought these warnings were contributing to the adjustRtime() fatal error, so I subsetted the data object to exclude the empty blanks, but even so the adjustRtime() error still occurred.

The code where the error occurs is a part of a for loop that loops through the five sites and 173 plant unique species x site combinations in our dataset. We are running this peak picking step on a Linux node as it takes a substantial amount of memory and computing power for a dataset as large as ours. In context, with the error line bolded:

# Define absolute path to mzxml files, ending with folder containing folders named by site
mzxml_location <- "/uufs/"
# set retention time cutoffs (in minutes) for peaks that should be kept in analysis (typically after 1 minute and before 32 minutes
# for C18 column standard run)
min_rt <- 1.1
max_rt <- 10.5
# This code assumes .mzXML files are arranged into folders by species, with species being arranged in folders by site.
# Within each species folder, there should be two folders, one named "Sample" containing all samples for that species
# And the other named "Blank" containing all blanks for that species.
# Create vector with all sites you wish to analyze
sites <- c("BCI","Manaus","LA","FG","Tiputini")
####### Loop through directories containing .mzXML files. Samples and their associated blanks should be in separate folders named "Sample" and "Blank". Depending on how files are arranged, you may or may not need to use the outer loop for site #######
for(i in 1:length(sites)) {
  species <- list.dirs(paste(mzxml_location,sites[i],sep=""), recursive=FALSE, full.names=FALSE)
for(j in 1:length(species)) {
  # make vector with relative filepaths (used by XCMS to find files), sample groups (used by XCMS to group files into blank and sample), and sample names (used by XCMS in peak list output)
  files_1 <- list.files(paste(mzxml_location, sites[i], "/",species[j],sep=""),
                        recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
  files_2 <- files_1[endsWith(files_1, "mzXML")]
  files <- files_2[!grepl("Standard", files_2)]
  s_groups <- sapply(files, function(x) {
    temp = unlist(strsplit(x, split = "/"))
    }) <- 0
  s_names <- sapply(files, function(x) {
    temp = unlist(strsplit(x, split = "/"))
    return(sub(temp[length(temp)], pattern = ".mzXML", replacement = "", fixed = TRUE))

  # set parameters for XCMS functions
  # centwave is the method used to perform initial peak picking/finding - THIS HAS CHANGED FROM THE C18 METHOD PARAMETERS
  cwparam <- CentWaveParam(ppm=15, peakwidth=c(0.2,5), snthresh=5, prefilter=c(1,500))
  # peakdensity is the method used to group peaks across samples based on retention time. For the first peak grouping step, use more lenient parameters because retention time has not yet been corrected
  dparam1 <- PeakDensityParam(sampleGroups = s_groups, bw=10, binSize=0.05, minSamples=1, minFraction = 0.01)
  # Obiwarp is the method used for retention time correction
  oparam <- ObiwarpParam(binSize=1)
  # second round of peak grouping uses more stringent parameters
  dparam2 <- PeakDensityParam(sampleGroups = s_groups, bw = 3, binSize = 0.025, minSamples = 1, minFraction = 0.01)
  # FillChromPeaks look for all peaks in all samples to find peaks that were below threshold set during peak picking
  fpparam <- FillChromPeaksParam(expandMz = 0.25, expandRt = 0.5)
  # reads mzXML files into OnDiskMSnExp object
  raw_data_polar <- readMSData(files, msLevel. = 1, mode="onDisk")

  # Run XCMS functions with parameters set above
  xcmsexp <- findChromPeaks(object = raw_data_polar, param = cwparam)  
  xcmsexp <- groupChromPeaks(object = xcmsexp, param = dparam1)
  **xcmsexp <- adjustRtime(object = xcmsexp, param = oparam)**
  xcmsexp <- groupChromPeaks(object = xcmsexp, param = dparam2)
  xcmsexp <- fillChromPeaks(xcmsexp, param = fpparam)

I checked the raw files, and found that the data run on the amide column are comparable in quality to those run on our C18 column. I also ran a histogram of the retention times for the amide column data and found no apparent gaps. In fact, there appears to be no significant difference in the XCMS experiment object data, accessed as follows:


Additionally, I use the same ObiWarpParam() for both C18 and amide analysis where binSize=1.

Because the workflow works for the C18 and not for the amide column, I’m still suspicious of the amide data as the source of the issue. However, I am not sure where to look to determine why the fatal adjustRtime() error is occurring. This issue occurs consistently for all samples in the amide column dataset, so it is not an issue with a single file conversion/upload/etc. The methods for C18 and amide analysis also specify identical scan time parameters, so not sure why the scan time is only an issue for the latter data.

For reference, all of our files are in .mzXML format and have been converted from .raw using msconvert.exe in Python.

Is this error occurring because I should be treating this data differently due to the difference in chromatography between the amide (normal phase) and C18 (reverse phase) column? Where else might be good to look at the data to find the source of the fatal error?

Any help or advice with this would be greatly appreciated, as I am unsure how to proceed and our amide column data is vital to the completion of this project.

Thanks in advance. Abbey

R sessionInfo() copied below:

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)

Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /usr/lib64/R/lib/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C               LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8    LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 

attached base packages:
[1] stats4    parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] RMySQL_0.10.17        DBI_1.0.0             reshape2_1.4.3        CAMERA_1.38.1         splitstackshape_1.4.8
 [6] vegan_2.5-5           lattice_0.20-35       permute_0.9-5         xcms_3.4.4            MSnbase_2.8.3        
[11] ProtGenerics_1.14.0   S4Vectors_0.20.1      mzR_2.16.2            Rcpp_1.0.1            BiocParallel_1.16.6  
[16] multtest_2.38.0       Biobase_2.42.0        BiocGenerics_0.28.0  

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] nlme_3.1-137           doParallel_1.0.14      RColorBrewer_1.1-2     tools_3.5.1           
 [5] backports_1.1.4        R6_2.4.0               affyio_1.52.0          rpart_4.1-13          
 [9] Hmisc_4.2-0            lazyeval_0.2.2         mgcv_1.8-24            colorspace_1.4-1      
[13] nnet_7.3-12            tidyselect_0.2.5       gridExtra_2.3          compiler_3.5.1        
[17] MassSpecWavelet_1.48.1 preprocessCore_1.44.0  graph_1.60.0           htmlTable_1.13.1      
[21] scales_1.0.0           checkmate_1.9.3        DEoptimR_1.0-8         robustbase_0.93-5     
[25] affy_1.60.0            RBGL_1.58.2            stringr_1.4.0          digest_0.6.19         
[29] foreign_0.8-70         base64enc_0.1-3        pkgconfig_2.0.2        htmltools_0.3.6       
[33] limma_3.38.3           htmlwidgets_1.3        rlang_0.4.0            rstudioapi_0.10       
[37] impute_1.56.0          mzID_1.20.1            acepack_1.4.1          dplyr_0.8.3           
[41] magrittr_1.5           Formula_1.2-3          MALDIquant_1.19.3      Matrix_1.2-14         
[45] munsell_0.5.0          vsn_3.50.0             stringi_1.4.3          MASS_7.3-50           
[49] zlibbioc_1.28.0        plyr_1.8.4             grid_3.5.1             crayon_1.3.4          
[53] splines_3.5.1          knitr_1.23             pillar_1.4.1           igraph_1.2.4.1        
[57] codetools_0.2-15       XML_3.98-1.20          glue_1.3.1             latticeExtra_0.6-28   
[61] pcaMethods_1.74.0      data.table_1.12.2      BiocManager_1.30.4     foreach_1.4.4         
[65] gtable_0.3.0           RANN_2.6.1             purrr_0.3.2            assertthat_0.2.1      
[69] ggplot2_3.1.1          xfun_0.7               ncdf4_1.16.1           survival_2.42-3       
[73] tibble_2.1.3           iterators_1.0.10       IRanges_2.16.0         cluster_2.0.7-1
xcms adjustRtime parameters scantime error biocparallel error • 2.3k views
Entering edit mode

Using traceback() for the fatal error:

12: stop(.error_bplist(res))
11: bplapply(X, FUN, ..., BPREDO = BPREDO, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
10: bplapply(X, FUN, ..., BPREDO = BPREDO, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
Entering edit mode
9: bplapply(objL, function(z, cntr, cntrPr, parms) {
           message("Aligning ", basename(fileNames(z)), " against ", 
               basename(fileNames(cntr)), " ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
           suppressMessages(curP <- profMat(z, method = "bin", step = binSize(parms), 
               returnBreaks = TRUE)[[1]])
           scantime1 <- unname(rtime(cntr))
           scantime2 <- unname(rtime(z))
           mstdiff <- median(c(diff(scantime1), diff(scantime2)))
           mst1 <- which(diff(scantime1) > 5 * mstdiff)[1]
           if (! {
               scantime1 <- scantime1[seq_len((mst1 - 1))]
               message("Found gaps in scan times of the center sample: cut ", 
                   "scantime-vector at ", scantime1[mst1], " seconds.")
           mst2 <- which(diff(scantime2) > 5 * mstdiff)[1]
           if (! {
               scantime2 <- scantime2[seq_len((mst2 - 1))]
               message("Found gaps in scan time of file ", basename(fileNames(z)), 
                   ": cut scantime-vector at ", scantime2[mst2], " seconds.")
Entering edit mode
rtmaxdiff <- abs(diff(c(scantime1[length(scantime1)], scantime2[length(scantime2)])))
               if (rtmaxdiff > (5 * mstdiff)) {
                   rtmax <- min(scantime1[length(scantime1)], scantime2[length(scantime2)])
                   scantime1 <- scantime1[scantime1 <= rtmax]
                   scantime2 <- scantime2[scantime2 <= rtmax]
               valscantime1 <- length(scantime1)
               valscantime2 <- length(scantime2)
               if (valscantime1 != valscantime2) {
                   min_number <- min(valscantime1, valscantime2)
                   diffs <- abs(range(scantime1) - range(scantime2))
                   if (diffs[2] > diffs[1]) {
                       scantime1 <- scantime1[1:min_number]
                       scantime2 <- scantime2[1:min_number]
                   else {
                       scantime1 <- rev(rev(scantime1)[1:min_number])
                       scantime2 <- rev(rev(scantime2)[1:min_number])
                   valscantime1 <- length(scantime1)
                   valscantime2 <- length(scantime2)
               if (ncol(cntrPr$profMat) != valscantime1) {
                   start_idx <- which(scantime1[1] == rtime(cntr))
                   end_idx <- which(scantime1[length(scantime1)] == rtime(cntr))
                   cntrPr$profMat <- cntrPr$profMat[, start_idx:end_idx]
               if (ncol(curP$profMat) != valscantime2) {
                   start_idx <- which(scantime2[1] == rtime(z))
                   end_idx <- which(scantime2[length(scantime2)] == rtime(z))
                   curP$profMat <- curP$profMat[, start_idx:end_idx]
               mzr1 <- c(cntrPr$breaks[1], cntrPr$breaks[length(cntrPr$breaks) - 
               mzr2 <- c(curP$breaks[1], curP$breaks[length(curP$breaks) - 
               mzmin <- min(c(mzr1[1], mzr2[1]))
               mzmax <- max(c(mzr1[2], mzr2[2]))
               mzs <- seq(mzmin, mzmax, by = binSize(parms))
               if (mzmin < mzr1[1]) {
                   tmp <- matrix(0, (length(seq(mzmin, mzr1[1], binSize(parms))) - 
                       1), ncol = ncol(cntrPr$profMat))
                   cntrPr$profMat <- rbind(tmp, cntrPr$profMat)
               if (mzmax > mzr1[2]) {
                   tmp <- matrix(0, (length(seq(mzr1[2], mzmax, binSize(parms))) - 
                       1), ncol = ncol(cntrPr$profMat))
                   cntrPr$profMat <- rbind(cntrPr$profMat, tmp)
               if (mzmin < mzr2[1]) {
                   tmp <- matrix(0, (length(seq(mzmin, mzr2[1], binSize(parms))) - 
                       1), ncol = ncol(curP$profMat))
                   curP$profMat <- rbind(tmp, curP$profMat)
               if (mzmax > mzr2[2]) {
                   tmp <- matrix(0, (length(seq(mzr2[2], mzmax, binSize(parms))) - 
                       1), ncol = ncol(curP$profMat))
                   curP$profMat <- rbind(curP$profMat, tmp)
               mzvals <- length(mzs)
               cntrVals <- length(cntrPr$profMat)
               curVals <- length(curP$profMat)
               if ((mzvals * valscantime1) != cntrVals | (mzvals * valscantime2) != 
                   stop("Dimensions of profile matrices of files ", basename(fileNames(cntr)), 
                       " and ", basename(fileNames(z)), " do not match!")
               rtadj <- .Call("R_set_from_xcms", valscantime1, scantime1, 
                   mzvals, mzs, cntrPr$profMat, valscantime2, scantime2, 
                   mzvals, mzs, curP$profMat, response(parms), distFun(parms), 
                   gapInit(parms), gapExtend(parms), factorDiag(parms), 
                   factorGap(parms), as.numeric(localAlignment(parms)), 
Entering edit mode
if (length(rtime(z)) != valscantime2) {
                       nrt <- length(rtime(z))
                       adj_starts_at <- which(rtime(z) == scantime2[1])
                       adj_ends_at <- which(rtime(z) == scantime2[length(scantime2)])
                       if (adj_ends_at < nrt) 
                           rtadj <- c(rtadj, rtadj[length(rtadj)] + cumsum(diff(rtime(z)[adj_ends_at:nrt])))
                       if (adj_starts_at > 1) 
                           rtadj <- c(rtadj[1] + rev(cumsum(diff(rtime(z)[adj_starts_at:1]))), 
               }, cntr = centerObject, cntrPr = profCtr, parms = param)
                    if (length(rtime(z)) != valscantime2) {
                               nrt <- length(rtime(z))
                               adj_starts_at <- which(rtime(z) == scantime2[1])
                               adj_ends_at <- which(rtime(z) == scantime2[length(scantime2)])
                               if (adj_ends_at < nrt) 
                                   rtadj <- c(rtadj, rtadj[length(rtadj)] + cumsum(diff(rtime(z)[adj_ends_at:nrt])))
                               if (adj_starts_at > 1) 
                                   rtadj <- c(rtadj[1] + rev(cumsum(diff(rtime(z)[adj_starts_at:1]))), 
                       }, cntr = centerObject, cntrPr = profCtr, parms = param)
    8: bplapply(objL, function(z, cntr, cntrPr, parms) {
           message("Aligning ", basename(fileNames(z)), " against ", 
               basename(fileNames(cntr)), " ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
           suppressMessages(curP <- profMat(z, method = "bin", step = binSize(parms), 
               returnBreaks = TRUE)[[1]])
           scantime1 <- unname(rtime(cntr))
           scantime2 <- unname(rtime(z))
           mstdiff <- median(c(diff(scantime1), diff(scantime2)))
           mst1 <- which(diff(scantime1) > 5 * mstdiff)[1]
           if (! {
               scantime1 <- scantime1[seq_len((mst1 - 1))]
               message("Found gaps in scan times of the center sample: cut ", 
                   "scantime-vector at ", scantime1[mst1], " seconds.")
           mst2 <- which(diff(scantime2) > 5 * mstdiff)[1]
           if (! {
               scantime2 <- scantime2[seq_len((mst2 - 1))]
               message("Found gaps in scan time of file ", basename(fileNames(z)), 
                   ": cut scantime-vector at ", scantime2[mst2], " seconds.")
Entering edit mode

Dear Abbey,

thank you for your detailed description of your issue! The error that you see comes from the obiwarp alignment. Without knowing your data it is now difficult to get to the exact cause, but I guess that obiwarp has a problem with the retention times in one file (e.g. because, as the error message says, there are larger gaps in the sequence of the retention times).

Possible solutions/suggestions could be: 1) If possible you should use a more recent version or R and xcms. The current stable version of xcms is 3.6.1 for R version 3.6. 2) If you use obiwarp for alignment you don't need the first peak grouping step (xcmsexp <- groupChromPeaks(object = xcmsexp, param = dparam1)) - obiwarp aligns the spectra and does not need any identified chromatographic peaks. 3) Obiwarp can be quite picky with the provided data, alignment based on peak density can be more robust. So, you could use that method instead of obiwarp. You would then however need the additional peak grouping step after peak detection. 4) Since you mention that you have blanks you should use subset-based alignment as described in the xcms vignette - that requires however the xcms package version mentioned above. 5) I strongly suggest that you inspect also the data before/after correspondence analysis (i.e. peak grouping) - the bw parameter that you use (10 and 3) is actually quite large for the peak widths you expect in your data (guessing from the peakwidth = c(0.2, 5), i.e. between 0.2 and 5 seconds). Have a look at this workshop (or here for the github repository) for some hints and suggestion to define/tune parameter settings for xcms.

I hope this helps.

cheers, jo

Entering edit mode

Hi jo,

Thanks for the quick response about this issue. I have attempted to update both XCMS and R to their most recent versions (XCMS = 3.6.1, R = 3.6.1) on the linux machine we use for this analysis and found that there is a compiler issue with the mzR package on which XCMS is dependent. According to our computer scientists who run and maintain the linux machine we use, mzR was last updated 4 years ago and uses a rather outdated form of boost from C++. The compiler issue has been preventing us from updating the XCMS package. Additionally, when I try and make the update on my PC, the XCMS package can be updated and loaded from the library but package loading ends in a warning message:

    Warning message:
In fun(libname, pkgname) :
  mzR has been built against a different Rcpp version (1.0.1)
than is installed on your system (1.0.2). This might lead to errors
when loading mzR. If you encounter such issues, please send a report,
including the output of sessionInfo() to the Bioc support forum at For details see also

The provided github link has not been updated in over 5 years, so not sure how relevant the fixes listed are for the issue.

Just wondering how the newest version of XCMS was built to avoid these compiler issues with mzR?

Thanks, Abbey

Entering edit mode

We were able to find a temporary fix to the mzR compiling issue and load the newest version of R 3.6.1 and XCMS 3.6.1. However, I am now getting this output after the initial peak picking step:

>   xcmsexp <- findChromPeaks(object = raw_data, param = cwparam)
Detecting mass traces at 15 ppm ... OK
Detecting mass traces at 15 ppm ... OK
Error in x$.self$finalize() : attempt to apply non-function
Detecting mass traces at 15 ppm ... OK
Detecting chromatographic peaks in 120 regions of interest ... OK: 25 found.
Error in x$.self$finalize() : attempt to apply non-function
Detecting mass traces at 15 ppm ... OK
Detecting chromatographic peaks in 179 regions of interest ... OK: 40 found.
Error in x$.self$finalize() : attempt to apply non-function
Detecting mass traces at 15 ppm ... OK
Detecting chromatographic peaks in 129 regions of interest ... OK: 28 found.
Error in x$.self$finalize() : attempt to apply non-function
Detecting mass traces at 15 ppm ... OK
Detecting chromatographic peaks in 110 regions of interest ... OK: 23 found.
Error in x$.self$finalize() : attempt to apply non-function
Detecting mass traces at 15 ppm ... OK
Detecting chromatographic peaks in 104 regions of interest ... OK: 24 found.
Warning messages:
1: In .processResultList(resList, getProcHist = return.type == "xcmsSet",  :
  No peaks found in sample number 1.
2: In .processResultList(resList, getProcHist = return.type == "xcmsSet",  :
  No peaks found in sample number 2.

And then skipping the first peak grouping step:

> xcmsexp <- adjustRtime(object = xcmsexp, param = oparam)
Sample number 4 used as center sample.
Error in x$.self$finalize() : attempt to apply non-function
Aligning BN_amide_092.mzXML against DN1620_polar.mzXML ... Found gaps in scan times of the center sample: cut scantime-vector at NA seconds.
Found gaps in scan time of file BN_amide_092.mzXML: cut scantime-vector at NA seconds.
Error: BiocParallel errors
  element index: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  first error: argument is of length zero

Which results in the same error as before. The only changes I'm noticing are the Error in x$.self$finalize() : attempt to apply non-function - any ideas what could be causing this, or if it points to a different issue entirely?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Abbey

Entering edit mode

Don't worry about the x$.self$finalize() calls - I did not find a way yet to get rid of them, but they don't affect the analysis. They occurr randomly.

Now regarding the issue that you get, would it be possible for you to share the BN_amide_092.mzXML file and a second one of your files? It's hard to tell what causes your problem, but I guess it has to do with this one file. The info Found gaps in scan time of file BN_amide_092.mzXML: cut scantime-vector at NA seconds. tells that the retention times of spectra in this file are not equally spaced (that's what the Found gaps means). Usually a failback mechanism kicks in in such cases, but somehow it fails for your data.

cheers, jo

Entering edit mode

Good to know about the x$.self$finalize() calls. I can send you a few of the files we are working with - I do not htink it is an issue with just one file, as the same error occurs for all of the samples in this project. I can send you all of the samples for three species, as the xcms peak picking / peak alignment we are attempting occurs within each species (see above code).

What's the best way for me to send you some of our files?

Entering edit mode

Could you please try to make a minimal example with the fewest files possible? you could send me an email to johannes.rainer at

Entering edit mode

Yes, I have sent you an email with two species and six corresponding files.

Entering edit mode

Hi, I have the same problem. Have you solved this? Thanks!

Entering edit mode

Hi, I have the same problem. Have you solved this? Thanks!


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