The limma User's Guide says on p. 62 that the parameter (s_0)^2
is the mean of the inverse chi-squared prior for the true residual variances (sigma_g)^2
. However, if I get
Smyth, G. K. (2004). Linear Models and Empirical Bayes Methods for Assessing Differential Expression in Microarray Experiments. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 3(1), 1–25.
correctly (more precisely: section 3 (p. 6 bottom)), the prior for the (sigma_g)^2
is rather a scaled inverse chi-squared distribution with scaling parameter (s_0)^2
. In that case, the mean is d_0 * (s_0)^2 / (d_0 - 2)
(see Wikipedia). So my question is: Am I right that the correct mean for the prior of the (sigma_g)^2
is d_0 * (s_0)^2 / (d_0 - 2)
and not (s_0)^2
Thank you for your answer that I understand in the way that the limma User's Guide is wrong. Your answer doesn't say that my formula for the prior mean of the
is wrong and the corrected version of the publication still contains the scaled inverse chi-squared distribution as the prior for the(sigma_g)^2
(see p.8 at the top). So I guess that my formulad_0 * (s_0)^2 / (d_0 - 2)
is correct. But correct me if I am wrong.The published paper is exactly correct and is already as clear as I can make it. I have nothing more to add.
It is not my responsibility to comment on all the probability calculations you make. The prior mean of sigma^2 is not relevant to limma, for the reasons I already explained.