hi, i performed consensus clustering using K-means algorithm as follows:
results <- ConsensusClusterPlus(d, maxK=10, rep=1000, pItem=0.8, pFeature=1, clusterAlg="km")
now I decided to choose K=4, and want to draw a heatmap showing a row dendrogram for features used for clustering and column labels for clusters so that I can identify determining features for each cluster.
i've googled about it and found a tutorial (https://rpubs.com/cytrix1/317328), but i'm not quite sure whether it's a right choice for me or not. is results[[4]]["consensusTree"] for this purpose? any kind of comments would be greatly appreciated. thanks!!
Hi niki, by any chance did you get the answer you were looking for? I am also using ConsensusClusterPlus to know the cluster of my data and was wondering how can I add annotation bar with the samples participants for each cluster.
I'll really appreciate any help.
Hi Niki, have you found a solution by any chance? I seem to have the same problem.