Dear reader,
I've been happily using openCyto for a while now and i really like the mindensity gatingMethod. It's very robust in panels/samples that have 2 peaks for a marker (+- 80-90% of the samples for this particular marker, figure 1) .
However i've experienced some cases in which i would like an alternative logic when the peakfinder finds just 1 peak or finds no valleys (+- 10-20% of the samples for this particular marker, figure 2).
Im experimenting with different strategies how to tackle this problem. Currently instead of using GateRange1 or GateRange2 when there is 1 peak or no valleys im attempting to get the median and add 1*SD and put a gate there (figure 2).
I've got this working in a small script. The gating method will register, but when i attempt to gate from a .csv gatingfile i get the following error:
"[232] "Gating for 'CD4posCD45RApos'"
[233] "Warning in .gating_gtMethod(x, y, ...) : NAs introduced by coercion"
[234] "Running in parallel mode with 1 cores."
[235] "Error in (function (fs, pp_res, gFunc, popAlias, channels, gFunc_args) : "
[236] " failed at 650583660906 mock_a8_a08_075.fcs650583660906 mock_b8_b08_076.fcs650583660906 rsv_d8_d08_095.fcs650583660906 rsv_e8_e08_096.fcs650583660906 seb_g8_g08_108.fcs"
[237] "Error in abs(i) : non-numeric argument to mathematical function"
[238] ""
I've attached the code below, in case the uploaded file is no longer available.: If possible i would like some help figuring out why this function is not working as expected (atleast how i expected ;) ). Please tell me if you need more information.
csv Gatingfile, compensation file, fcs files and gatingfunction
Kind regards, Kasper
mindensityNoValley <-function (fr, channel, filterId = "", positive = TRUE, pivot = FALSE,
gate_range = NULL, min = NULL, max = NULL, peaks = NULL,
if (missing(channel) || length(channel) != 1) {
stop("A single channel must be specified.")
if (!(is.null(min) && is.null(max))) {
fr <- openCyto:::.truncate_flowframe(fr, channels = channel, min = min,
max = max)
x <- exprs(fr)[, channel]
if (is.null(peaks))
peaks <- openCyto:::.find_peaks(x, ...)[, "x"]
if (is.null(gate_range)) {
gate_range <- c(min(x), max(x))
else {
gate_range <- sort(gate_range)
if (length(peaks) == 1) {
### Original content of mindensity
#cutpoint <- ifelse(positive, gate_range[1], gate_range[2])
### new content:
### calculate KDE
### get median and SD
### gate = median + 1 * SD
KDEdata <- density(x) # new
KDEdatamedian <- median(KDEdata) # new
KDEdataStdev <- Stdev <- sd( x = x) # new
cutpoint <- KDEdatamedian + KDEdataStdev # new
else {
valleys <- try(.find_valleys(x, ...), silent = TRUE)
valleys <- openCyto:::.between_interval(x = valleys, interval = gate_range)
if {
### Original content of mindensity
#cutpoint <- ifelse(positive, gate_range[1], gate_range[2])
### new content:
### calculate KDE
### get median and SD
### gate = median + 1 * SD
KDEdata <- density(x) # new
KDEdatamedian <- median(KDEdata) # new
KDEdataStdev <- Stdev <- sd( x = x) # new
cutpoint <- KDEdatamedian + KDEdataStdev # new
else if (length(valleys) == 1) {
cutpoint <- as.vector(valleys)
else if (length(valleys) > 1) {
peaks <- sort(peaks[1:2])
cutpoint <- openCyto:::.between_interval(valleys, peaks)[1]
if {
cutpoint <- valleys[1]
gate_coordinates <- list(c(cutpoint, Inf))
names(gate_coordinates) <- channel
rectangleGate(gate_coordinates, filterId = filterId)
.mindensityNoValley <- function(fr, pp_res, channels=NA, ...){
my_gate <- mindensityNoValley(fr[pp_res,],channel=channels, filter_id=filterId, ...)
registerPlugins( fun = .mindensityNoValley, methodName = "mindensityNoValley" , type = "gating")
Thanks for the quick answer!
Good idea! I use the tailgate for other nodes but it might be better to just incoorporate a tailgate when only 1 peak and no valleys are found. Great :).
To test whether i could register a new plugin i did the following: - Made a copy function of mindensity called mindensity3 - Changed nothing
This does register and work from the gating.csv file as expected.
Conclusion: There is definitely something in the code i added myself that is causing the error.
Used Code:
To further diagnose my peak patterns i thought of adding the following (see code below). Is there a way to get the name of the alias or other information from the gatingFile into context in the function?