I want to calculate correlation co-efficient and pvalue by correlating colum 1 (in matrix1) to column 1 (in matrix 2); column 2 in (matrix 1) to column 2 (in matrix 2) and like wise for other column. But DO NOT want to generate a correlation matrix where correlating each column in matrix 1 with all other column in matrix 2. Assume that each matrix have dimension 3(row)*6000(column) and I want to perform batch calculation.
Please could you help me how can I do that by using bicorAndPvalue or cor.test functions for that purpose.
I have prepared dummy data: matrix1, matrix2 and expected output format (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dutomppe4yjur9r/AAASBbt_gmf5v3Gq9YYIF5FTa?dl=0)
Many thanks in advance.