all BioC 1.7
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kirk hammet ▴ 110
Last seen 10.0 years ago
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Last seen 5 hours ago
United States
kirk hammet wrote: > Hi, i'd like to install all Bioconductor 1.7 > I've a Debian (Linux). > Is it possible with biocLite.R? Well, there is probably a reasonable way to do so, but I can't figure it out. I am sure Seth will be able to give the official way. However, this will work: source("") biocLite("") ## this just gets you the function biocinstall() biocinstall(groupName = "all") Note that in the immortal words of Jeff Gentry 'This will install a metric ton of packages', so be prepared for a lengthy download session. Best, Jim -- James W. MacDonald University of Michigan Affymetrix and cDNA Microarray Core 1500 E Medical Center Drive Ann Arbor MI 48109 734-647-5623 ********************************************************** Electronic Mail is not secure, may not be read every day, and should not be used for urgent or sensitive issues.
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Seth Falcon ★ 7.4k
Last seen 10.0 years ago
"James W. MacDonald" <jmacdon at=""""> writes: > kirk hammet wrote: >> Hi, i'd like to install all Bioconductor 1.7 >> I've a Debian (Linux). >> Is it possible with biocLite.R? > > Well, there is probably a reasonable way to do so, but I can't figure it > out. I am sure Seth will be able to give the official way. However, this > will work: Not sure I can deliver on a more reasonable method at this time. Downloading everything is, as the project grows, an increasingly special case. Kirk, are you certain you want everything? If it is for your personal use, I would recommend starting with whatever pieces you want to use and then installing more as you go. If this is for a shared system, well, that makes more sense to me and read on... You might consider downloading Quantian as this has all of Bioc 1.7 all packaged together. You could also consider mirroring all of the package repositories using these instructions__. __ OTOH, these all seem to be less convenient than Jim's suggestion. We will see about fixing the script so it is a bit easier. Best, + seth

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