Hello! I can't run featureCounts with gff3 file. Please, help!
My gff3 file structure is:
chr1 . miRNA_primary_transcript 17369 17436 . - . ID=MI0022705;Alias=MI0022705;Name=hsa-mir-6859-1
chr1 . miRNA 17409 17431 . - . ID=MIMAT0027618;Alias=MIMAT0027618;Name=hsa-miR-6859-5p;Derives_from=MI0022705
chr1 . miRNA 17369 17391 . - . ID=MIMAT0027619;Alias=MIMAT0027619;Name=hsa-miR-6859-3p;Derives_from=MI0022705
Command line:
./featureCounts -F -a ./../annotation/hsa_miR.gff3 -o ./../../../projects/vesicles/1_repeat_vesicles/counts_K.txt ./../../../projects/vesicles/1_repeat_vesicles/1_repeat_vesicles_NONCODE_K_miRNA.sam
Warning: Unknown annotation format: -a. GTF format is used.
Please tell me what to do, I have already tried everything. Carefully studied the manual,
-F(isGTFAnnotationFile): Specify the format of the annotation file. Acceptable formats include ‘GTF’ and ‘SAF’ (see Section 6.2.2 for details). By default,C version of featureCounts program accepts a GTFformat annotation and R version accepts a SAF format annotation. In-built annotations in SAF format are provided.
tried to use cufflinks/gffread to change the file format, but nothing happened either.
./gffread ./../../tools/subread-1.6.4-Linux-x86_64/annotation/hsa_miR.gff3 -T -o hsa_miR.gtf
Please, help!
Wei Shi, thank you very much