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Last seen 5.7 years ago
Dear Dr Klambauer,
I met an error when using singlecn.mops. At the modelling part, it runs well at the beginning, but when operating on NW_020228985.1, an error occurred as below, but it runs well when I try it using the same reference genome. Will it matter if the reference genome is not in the same directory?
Reference sequence: NW_020228924.1
Reference sequence: NW_020228957.1
Reference sequence: NW_020228985.1
Error in if (all(x <= minReadCount) & lambda <= minReadCount) { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Calls: singlecn.mops -> lapply -> FUN -> .singlecn.mops
Execution halted
Thank you Mengyuan Li
You have NAs in x probably.
Thank you. And, I finally found that problem. The solution is to use "samtools view name.bam | awk '{print $3}' | uniq -c" to get the read count from the BAM file. And use the chromosome names in the second line as refSeqNames parameter
For what it's worth sequence names are available from within R using Rsamtools quickly and easily, for example, after running
to get a path to a bam filefl