Hello, I was hoping someone could explain what, exactly, the Intercept part of the results shows?
I have a two factor model. Three treatment groups (treatment 1, treatment 2, and control) in two species (species 1 and species 2). I built the model and ran the Wald test as follows:
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = countdata, colData = coldata, design = ~ Treatment + Species + Treatment:Species); ddstotal <- DESeq(dds); matrix(resultsNames(ddstreatmenteffect)) [,1]
[1,] "Intercept"
[2,] "Speciesspecies1vsspecies2"
[3,] "Treatmenttreatment1vscontrol"
[4,] "Treatmenttreatment2vscontrol" [5,] "Speciesspecies1.treatment1"
[6,] "Speciesspecies1.treatment2"
From what I understand the results are telling me that there is a gene expression difference between species 1 and species 2 without accounting for treatment state, a difference between treatment 1 and untreated control and treatment2 and untreated control without accounting for species.
Results 5 and 6, I interpret to mean that the difference in treatment response between treatment 1 and untreated control (and treatment 2 and untreated control) is driven by species 1, and species 2 shows less difference...is this correct?
My question also is what information does result 1 "Intercept" tell me?
resint <- results(ddstotal, name = 'Intercept') head(res_int) log2 fold change (MLE): Intercept Wald test p-value: Intercept DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> A1BG 4.2760483829696 3.32823269926868 1.37359187717572 2.42301425523275 0.0153923226613891 0.0161058740430429 A4GALT 1111.95587001312 10.1174235883407 0.216407793931249 46.7516599312263 0 0 A4GNT 53.8968615744269 3.81977837078875 0.807954813571837 4.72771287035488 2.2706296498025e-06 2.47638780652672e-06