Hello Bioconductor community I know my question might seem redondant but I can't figure out a good answer to it even after browsing and googling around.
Here is the thing, I am doing a gene expression analyses and I see that I have a response with weight, I also have a batch effect so 1) initially I did :
design <- model.matrix(~ weight + batch)
fit <- lmFit(v_norm,design)
vfit<-contrasts.fit(fit, coef = 2) # test "weight" coefficient
I have a lot of genes differentially expressed
2) In my phenotypic data, I observe that I have a correlation between weight and height. If I do the design only on height, I have 0 genes under fdr 0.05 but 700 under fdr 0.1
my question is: Do you think I should include height as a correlated variable as well? I mean if there are correlated, I don't understand why I should include them but I can't find an answer to that.
I tried to do a design such as :
design<-model.matrix(~weight+height + batch)
design<-model.matrix(~weight*height + batch) #
but I lose all genes differentially expressed. I don't really understand what to do and would highly appreciate any suggestions. Many thanks Best regards Alice
I have a pearson correlation of 0.8710369