I am analysing Affymetryx and Illumina data from the MACQ project for the moment. I used the following commands to read and preprocess (normalisation, background correction,..) the Affymetry CEL files:
files <- list.files('DONNEES-AFFYMETRIX/')
files <- paste0('DONNEES-AFFYMETRIX/',files)
rawfiles <- ReadAffy(filenames=files)
expressionset <- gcrma(rawfiles)
I don't know what commands to use to read AND preprocess ILLUMINA file (eg. ILM1A1.txt ) downloaded from NCBI:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE5350 :
I started with the same commands as for the Affymetrix cell files;namely
files <- list.files('DONNEES-ILLUMINA/')
files <- paste0('DONNEES-ILLUMINA/',files)
and tried to read the files with read.ilmn
but with no success; the file content looks like this:
getID ILM_1_A1 BEAD_STDEV-A1 Avg_NBEADS-A1 Detection-A1
GI_10047089-S 59.4 3.3 45 0.8431114
GI_10047091-S 90.4 3.1 50 0.99802241
GI_10047093-S 539.8 13.5 43 1
GI_10047099-S 563.6 21.2 32 1
I read about the existence of "rsn" "ssn" "lumiR" and "lumiR.batch" for preprocessing( normalisation...) but couldn't use them as I can't read the data to start with. I have spent quite a long time searching the internet for answers but couldn't find any. Could you perhaps help me with that?? It would be really great!
It is worth noting the
is a limma package function, while the other functions you mention are in the lumi package.