Hi everyone!
I have a question that I would really appreciate it if you help me out, please!
I have a list of data that I would like to know how to find out the gene's names in the regions. The dataset which is a text file has the following format:
Segment Count First End
0 258 1_1960674 1_2013259
1 85 1_3057480 1_3257840
2 185 1_3340901 1_3783903
3 215 1_209363247 1_209995470
In this dataset, the first column is the number of segment, the second column is representing the number of SNPs per segment, and the third and fourth columns are representing the smallest and largest SNPs number for each segment. I should note that the values of the third and fourth columns are the combination of the chromosome number and its position Now, how can I understand the gene names in these regions?
Thank you very much
I will do that! Thank you very much for your answer!
You are very welcome! Please note that I changed "both" to "overlapping" in the above post to fit your needs.
Best regards,