Hi, I am running an RNAseq analysis with limma and voom. I am puzzled by the summary(decideTests(fit)) function. I am not sure what exactly it shows. According to my (limited) understanding, running my analysis should give 153 (104+49) genes with adjusted p-value<0.05 when looking at the summary(results(fit)) for coefficient 2 (GroupNonprogr):
(Intercept) GroupNonprogr pairsB
-1 2 104 44
0 9569 18789 18751
1 9371 49 147
However, none of the genes meet this cutoff, when I extract coef 2. It is not an error, but I have problem understanding what the summary function actually shows, and how I can extract those values in an xls or txt file. So far I use:
tab <- topTable(fit, coef=2, n=Inf, sort.by='none', genelist=fData.short)
ix <- sort(tab$logFC, index.return=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)$ix
tab.sorted <- tab[ix,]
write.table(tab.sorted, file="filename.txt", row.names=TRUE, quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
I would be very grateful if someone spent a few minutes to help me out here.
Hi Andreas,
Have you figured it out? I have the same problem.
I run
for one of the coefficients i got:
Then I concluded that 26 genes are differentially expressed. But looking in the DEresults table, none of the genes meet that criteria. None of the genes have a p.adj <0.05 I have 127 genes with absolute logFC > 1 Then 70 genes with absolute logFC > 1 and pval <0.05 but 0 genes with absolute logFC > 1 and adj pval <0.05
How does summary gets to 26 genes?
Hope you can help me. Suz
Dear Suz,
If you want to ask a question, please post of question of your own rather than commenting on an unrelated question from a year ago.
I am guessing that you might be confused by "global" FDR adjustment. The limma documentation explains the difference between "global" and "separate" FDR adjustment.