Hi, I'm trying to run IntEREst on BAM files from a single-ended experiment. It runs for a while, then I get an error:
Error in interestAnalyse(reference = reference, bamFile = bamFile, isPaired = isPaired, :
object 'resTmpPair' not found
Calls: do.call ... mapply -> <Anonymous> -> interest -> interestAnalyse
I checked the source for the current version and the development version of the package, and it looks like resTmpPair is assigned in an if-block and then later there's an attempt to reference it outside that scope.
The following relevant (abbreviated) lines are in both interestAnalyse.R and interestAnalyse.sequential.R.
if(isPaired){ (line 52 in current version)
resTmpPair<- BiocParallel::bpiterate... (line 63 in current version)
if(isPaired & (length(resTmpPair)>0)){... (line 121 in current version)
As such, it seems that running any single-ended dataset would result in resTmpPair being referenced before being defined.