I want to make a heat map without row and column clustering to keep my row order as it is. It has ~8000genes. (Row 8206 column 14) My commands are for heatmap:
y <- read.csv ('inputdata.csv', row.names = 'Gene_Name', header = TRUE)
hmcol <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(10,"RdBu"))(256)
heatmap(as.matrix(y),col=hmcol2,Rowv=NULL, Colv= NULL,margins =c(12,6))
It is working but even I have mentioned Rowv=NULL, Colv= NULL
it is making clusters and reordering.
Any suggestion on how to stop reordering rows?
While I am using heatmap.2
y <- read.csv ('inputdata.csv', row.names = 'Gene_Name', header = TRUE)
hmcol <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(10,"RdBu"))(256)
heatmap.2(as.matrix(y), Rowv=NULL, Colv= NULL, scale="row", density.info="none", trace="none",col=my_palette, margins =c(10,6))
It is working and does not cluster. It means here Rowv=NULL, Colv= NULL
commands working
But the problem is the script is running in low inputs (that is if I load around 2000 genes) but not running with the whole data sets(~8000 genes).
Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.
'but not running with the whole data sets" I mean to say it starts running and that stage everything looks like freeze, I need to force quit R to get out of this.
'but not running with the whole data sets" I mean to say it starts running and that stage everything looks like freeze, I need to force quit R to get out of this.
Will try complexheatmap. Thanks