stageR with input from DRIMSeq
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sdvie • 0
Last seen 3.2 years ago

Dear all,

I am trying to follow the protocol to input DRIMSeq results into stageR, as described in the DRIMSeq manual , page 16 f. Some of my DRIMSeq p-values are NA, so I used:

stageRObjadj <- stageWiseAdjustment(object = stageRObj, method = "dtu", alpha = 0.05, allowNA=TRUE)

However, I get the following message:

Removing 15 features with NA screening hypothesis p-values. Error in pConfirmation[id, ] : incorrect number of dimensions

My input data are formatted like this:

head(pScreen) ENSMUSG00000033845.13 ENSMUSG00000025903.14 ENSMUSG00000033813.15 0.2724130 0.4104909 0.5927421 ENSMUSG00000033793.12 ENSMUSG00000025907.14 ENSMUSG00000033740.17 0.9635464 0.5629003 0.6726753

dim(pScreen) NULL


head(pConfirmation) [,1] ENSMUST00000130201.7 0.1271833 ENSMUST00000156816.6 0.2192786 ENSMUST00000045689.13 0.5070968 ENSMUST00000115538.4 0.4540733 ENSMUST00000192286.1 0.1580764 ENSMUST00000146665.2 0.4084662

dim(pConfirmation) [1] 36217 1

Does someone have experience with these two packages and can tell what is is that I am missing? I would be very grateful for any hints and suggestions. Many thanks, best, Sophia

sessionInfo() R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02) Platform: x8664-condacos6-linux-gnu (64-bit) Running under: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS Matrix products: default BLAS/LAPACK: /project/miniconda3/envs/transcriptometutorial/lib/R/lib/ locale: [1] LCCTYPE=enUS.UTF-8 LCNUMERIC=C
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[3] Rsamtools1.34.0 Biostrings2.50.1
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DRIMSeq stageR • 959 views
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Last seen 4 months ago
Ghent University, Belgium

Hi Sophia,

The message about the removal of NA p-values is simply there for your information to check how many features have been removed prior to the analysis. Note that, even though you set allowNA=TRUE, nothing can be said about NA p-values, so they must be removed. Hence you can safely continue your analysis. Let me know if this does not answer your question.


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