Hi all,
I have two different RNA-seq data from mouse; 1) paired-end read (40 bp) data of neonatal cardiac myocytes were dissociated from whole mouse hearts at 0, 4 and 7 days of birth with two replicates and 2) paired-end read (100 bp) data from the ventricular myocardium of mouse treated with factor X at 1th and 7 th days after birth with corresponding control with two replicates. I would like to get the differentially expressed genes between group 1 and group 2. Here is the MDS plot showing two distinct groups 1 and 2 at the right and left end of the graph:
Considering such a batch effect, could you please kindly tell me how I can include this batch effect in edgeR analysis?
Thank you in advance
What do the labels "vp" and "vd" mean in your plot? Does that mean treatment and control, or something else?
You seem to have a treatment effect rather than a batch effect.
The yellow labels are completely unreadable, at least by me.
Hi Gordon,
Sorry for the inconvenience. The vp group is the neonatal cardiac myocytes (dissociated from whole mouse hearts) at 0 (vp0), 4 (vp4) and 7 days (vp7) after birth with two replicates, here, RNA-seq data is 40 bp paired-end read. vd group is the ventricular myocardium of mouse treated with factor X at 1 day after birth (vdr1) and its control (vds1) as well as 7 days after birth (vdr7, yellow color) and its control (vds7) with two replicates, here, RNA-seq data is 100 bp paired-end read. I would like to find DE genes between vp and vd group at various time points. Given your previous comment, there isn’t any batch effect here, so I can do the analysis without considering it, yes? For example, for comparing the mouse treated with factor x after 1 day of birth (vd_r1) with the healthy mouse at 4 days of birth (vp4), after defining experimental conditions (groups and treatments) and normalization, I can use something like below in edgeR:
Could you please kindly let me know if it’s correct?
Many thanks