I am trying to analyze methylationdata from TCGA Illumina 27k methylation arrays. I am using read.metharray from minfi to import the data and it creates a RGChannesSet:
> rgSet27
class: RGChannelSet
dim: 55300 295
assays(2): Green Red
rownames(55300): 10008 10010 ... 7650762 7650767
rowData names(0):
colnames(295): 4321207002_A 4321207002_B ... 5543207071_J 5543207071_L
colData names(0):
array: IlluminaHumanMethylation27k
annotation: ilmn12.hg19
From this I can calculate Beta values using getBeta but when I try to get the detection P values using the detectionP function I get "NA" values only. I think the problem lies somewhere in the Addresses for the negative controls which are required for the dectionP values to my understanding. For the Illumina 450k array everything works fine. Calling getControlAddress(rgSet, controlType = "NEGATIVE") gets me a number of addresses with a RGChannelSet from a 450k array while it just gets me
> getControlAddress(rgSet27, controlType = "NEGATIVE")
for the RGChannelSet from the 27k arrays. This function is internally called by the detectionP function so I suspect somewhere there to be the problem.
> getControlAddress(IlluminaHumanMethylation27kmanifest,controlType = "NEGATIVE")
> getControlAddress(IlluminaHumanMethylation450kmanifest,controlType = "NEGATIVE")
[1] "13792480" "69649505" "34772371" "28715352" "74737439" "33730459" "54647418" "71684459" "40758350" "35678453" "33794466" "64607409"
[13] "37639436" "44804473" "45735479" "74688409" "37748499" "15760434" "39647340" "46770480" "73794328" "13762418" "57645303" "44767440"
[25] "74602472" "51736450" "61694431" "22623305" "34681355" "38610459" "71637302" "11634395" "52673469" "24725313" "62687391" "59623346".....
Thank you!
Oh okay, thank you!!