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Last seen 6.1 years ago
For the step with the command
conda create -n mageck-vispr mageck mageck-vispr python=3)
I get a message 'Solving environment' with a spinning 'icon' as if the command is functioning, but it never seems to complete (10 + minutes). Do you have any idea what might be the issue?
Thanks, Royce
You have a trailing
which doesn't worktry this,
But make sure you have your conda channels set correctly (as given by the bioconda page)
Also, it's taking a while on my machine as well. But, i suggest you contact, https://gitter.im/bioconda/Lobby.
That was a copy and paste error into my question.
I had to delete the older version of MaGeCK on my computer. After that, it worked as expected.