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Ren Na
Last seen 10.3 years ago
First, I am very sorry that my attachments are still over size limit.
I couldn't find a way to make it smaller and readable at the
same time.
I got 30 affy arrays (hgu133a) which were carried out over a period
of two and half years. There are six types of samples, a,b,c,d,e,f.
Each type has different number of biological replicates except type
f (no technical replicates). I am going to do pair wise comparisons
among these types.
For checking array's quality, I read previous posts about this
subject and compared my plots with PLM Image Gallery. But how
to decide which array is acceptable or not acceptable is still
puzzling me. How much difference in these plots across arrays is
considered as serious difference? And corresponding arrays should
be excluded in down-stream data analysis?
sample c2 is obviously different from other arrays in density plot,
NUSE plot, and it has large residuals in residual plot and large
average background. Maybe it's better to remove this array. But how
about the arrays with difference not as big as c2. Please see
attachment files.
In file "residual.png",I included four arrays'residual images which
has bigger artifacts comparing with other arrays.
Any comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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