Hi, I have 5 samples, namely the following: (1) Not transfected, untreated (2) Transfected but untreated (3) Transfected, treated, analyzed after 5 mins (4) Transfected, treated, analyzed after 60 mins (5) Transfected, treated, analyzed after 4 hrs [By transfected I mean a particular vector is present, and treated means treated with an antibody]
I do not have any replicates for any of the conditions. I am looking to perform an Anova test using edgeR, to see the gene expression at different time points wrt sample 2 (as given).
Could anyone tell me the edgeR code I should run to do the test? Normally, I define the groups, normalize the library, create a design matrix with the group and normalized DGEList, followed by estimating dispersion and performing the GLMQL tests. I am confused as to how to proceed in this case,as I have no replicates. I don't know how to define the groups or estimate dispersion in this case.
I would be very grateful if someone could help me with the edgeR codes. Thank you
Hi Lun, I want to ask a question. Why do you say that the model above cannot compare specific time points? Is it because when you use
to compare it with reference, both the time and transfect condition are different, so that it's impossible to say the DE is from time or transfection? Thank you