Different results from limma depending on whether or not I have an intercept term in my model
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kediggins ▴ 10
Last seen 6.1 years ago

I've run into a problem with limma where I get different results (different p-values and # of DE genes) depending on whether or not I include an intercept term in my model. This only happens when I include one or more QC metric as a term in the model, and not when my contrast variable is the only term in the model. 

For context, I'm trying to find DE genes between stimulated and un-stimulated cells while correcting for a major batch effect (here called "Date") as well as a quality metric that contributes a large amount of variability to the data ("Med_CV_COV").  

These are the two models in question:

> Design_noInt <- model.matrix(~0 + annotation_data$`IL-6 Stim (ng/mL)` + annotation_data$`Received Date` + metrics_data$MEDIAN_CV_COVERAGE)
> Design_withInt <- model.matrix(~annotation_data$`IL-6 Stim (ng/mL)` + annotation_data$`Received Date` + metrics_data$MEDIAN_CV_COVERAGE)
> colnames(Design_noInt) <- c("NoStim","Stim","Date","Med_CV_COV")
> colnames(Design_withInt) <- c("Intercept","Stim","Date","Med_CV_COV")
> head(Design_noInt)
  NoStim Stim Date Med_CV_COV
1      1    0    0   0.414025
2      0    1    1   0.509716
3      1    0    0   0.432453
4      0    1    0   0.437015
5      0    1    0   0.429761
6      0    1    1   0.430351
> head(Design_withInt)
  Intercept Stim Date Med_CV_COV
1         1    0    0   0.414025
2         1    1    1   0.509716
3         1    0    0   0.432453
4         1    1    0   0.437015
5         1    1    0   0.429761
6         1    1    1   0.430351

I use makeContrasts to build the contrast matrices:

> contrast_matrix_noInt <- makeContrasts(Stim-NoStim,levels=Design_noInt)
> contrast_matrix_withInt <- makeContrasts(Stim,levels=Design_withInt)
> head(contrast_matrix_noInt)
Levels       Stim - NoStim
  NoStim                -1
  Stim                   1
  Date                   0
  Med_CV_COV             0
> head(contrast_matrix_withInt)
Levels       Stim
  Intercept     0
  Stim          1
  Date          0
  Med_CV_COV    0

The issue appears to begin when I run voomWithQualityWeights. The output values from each model are different starting 7 or more decimal places out. (I also see this difference in output values if I run voom instead of voomWithQualityWeights.)

> DesignVoom_withInt <- voomWithQualityWeights(counts_data, design = Design_withInt,plot = FALSE)
> DesignVoom_noInt <- voomWithQualityWeights(counts_data, design = Design_noInt,plot = FALSE)
> head(DesignVoom_noInt$targets)
         group          lib.size      norm.factors    sample.weights
lib25261     1 1841838.883137691 1.030479765643349 0.656581739063742
lib25227     1  699929.217502813 0.854009889095896 1.165866208133710
lib25201     1 1332381.279544953 1.005668388291176 0.839094886216758
lib25099     1 1112919.660542886 0.974510541975693 1.468468932781500
lib25107     1 1315157.108746946 0.993440363239193 1.264011815526400
lib25135     1 1089059.073096440 0.902813970098498 0.741124578697799
> head(DesignVoom_withInt$targets)
         group          lib.size      norm.factors    sample.weights
lib25261     1 1841838.883137691 1.030479765643349 0.656581739063740
lib25227     1  699929.217502813 0.854009889095896 1.165866208133712
lib25201     1 1332381.279544953 1.005668388291176 0.839094886216759
lib25099     1 1112919.660542886 0.974510541975693 1.468468932781501
lib25107     1 1315157.108746946 0.993440363239193 1.264011815526400
lib25135     1 1089059.073096440 0.902813970098498 0.741124578697799

The very small differences between the models are also apparent in the coefficients from lmFit. If I don't include the model matrix in my voom or voomWithQualityWeights call, my normalized counts are identical for both models, but I still get different coefficients from lmFit. So, whatever is causing the difference is happening in both functions.

> dataFit_original_withInt <- lmFit(DesignVoom_withInt, Design_withInt)
> dataFit_original_noInt <- lmFit(DesignVoom_noInt, Design_noInt)
> head(dataFit_original_noInt$coefficients)
                 NoStim              Stim                Date         Med_CV_COV
A1BG  -5.14414498296569 -5.13122961153188 -0.0360652274290323   9.45002714460223
A2M   -9.11077944211848 -9.87110820204270 -3.0511158414800814  27.88156253194389
AAAS  10.18738855678886 10.38215926349661 -0.0660609150940764 -11.09227736364429
AACS   3.02044625793081  2.72681124153659 -0.5158485696146826   3.12176076854942
AAED1  7.28469712246058  7.37038888310042  0.6860832924584279  -1.06582376856191
AAGAB  8.77255273811071  8.82868405242133 -1.4424142811213769  -3.16404426359956
> head(dataFit_original_withInt$coefficients)
              Intercept                Stim                Date         Med_CV_COV
A1BG  -5.14414498296570  0.0129153714338110 -0.0360652274290349   9.45002714460226
A2M   -9.11077944211846 -0.7603287599242156 -3.0511158414800765  27.88156253194384
AAAS  10.18738855678885  0.1947707067077467 -0.0660609150940770 -11.09227736364427
AACS   3.02044625793081 -0.2936350163942217 -0.5158485696146839   3.12176076854943
AAED1  7.28469712246058  0.0856917606398358  0.6860832924584255  -1.06582376856189
AAGAB  8.77255273811074  0.0561313143106106 -1.4424142811213743  -3.16404426359961

In the documentation for contrasts.fit, there's a warning that the function doesn't re-factorize the design matrix for every gene if there are quality weights, and instead uses the initial approximation for every gene. However, I don't think this is causing the discrepancy here since it happens whether or not I call voom or voomWithQualityWeights. I think there could be some approximation happening in lmfit that is dependent on the model structure. Since voom internally calls lmfit, that might explain why the small differences occur at both the voom call and the subsequent model fitting calls (?).

The rest of my analysis calls contrasts.fit, eBayes, and topTable, followed by filtering for genes that meet my thresholds:

dataFit_contrasts_withInt <- contrasts.fit(dataFit_original_withInt, contrasts = contrast_matrix_withInt)
dataFit_contrasts_noInt <- contrasts.fit(dataFit_original_noInt, contrasts = contrast_matrix_noInt)

### With intercept
dataFit_withInt <- eBayes(dataFit_contrasts_withInt)
dataResults_withInt <- topTable(dataFit_withInt, number = nrow(counts_data), coef = "Stim")
sig_genes_pval_withInt <- dataResults_withInt[c(dataResults_withInt$adj.P.Val < 0.05),]
sig_genes_withInt <- sig_genes_pval_withInt[c(abs(sig_genes_pval_withInt$logFC) > log2(1.5)),]

### No intercept
dataFit_noInt <- eBayes(dataFit_contrasts_noInt)
dataResults_noInt <- topTable(dataFit_noInt, number = nrow(counts_data), coef="Stim - NoStim")
sig_genes_pval_noInt <- dataResults_noInt[c(dataResults_noInt$adj.P.Val < 0.05),]
sig_genes_noInt <- sig_genes_pval_noInt[c(abs(sig_genes_pval_noInt$logFC) > log2(1.5)),]

> nrow(sig_genes_noInt)
[1] 83
> nrow(sig_genes_withInt)
[1] 104

The result is 104 DE genes if I include an intercept, and 83 if I don't.

Does anyone know what might be going on here?

I'm running limma version 3.34.9 with R version 3.4.4. 

limma lmfit voom limma design matrix voomwithqualityweights • 1.3k views
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Aaron Lun ★ 28k
Last seen 42 minutes ago
The city by the bay

The differences at the voom level are due to numerical precision when fitting different models (due to differences in the round-off error with floats), and can be ignored.

The issue described in the contrasts.fit warning is the cause. It does not refer to just quality weights, it's any form of weights including the observational weights produced by voom itself.

Personally, give or take a few DE genes at the boundary of significance is not a big deal to me.

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Last seen 3 hours ago
WEHI, Melbourne, Australia

As Aaron has said, the contrasts.fit approximation mentioned on the help page is the cause of the difference.

The withInt results are exact whereas the noInt results are approximate.

In either case, we don't recommend that you apply FDR and logFC cutoffs simultaneously. See the note about that on the topTable and decideTests help pages.


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