I've more of 2 exactly 8 file of RNA data that I must import and analyze them with limma. But, I've some problems to import all data within one script. What I done is:
read.delim() is designed to read just one text file, not a whole set of files. Did you mean to use edgeR::readDGE() instead?
But, if you're using Rsubread you should never to read in a text file at all. The Rsubread featureCounts() function produces an R object directly. You can save it to disk using save() and restore it using load(). There's no need to write text files or to read them with read.delim().
What documentation or example are you following?
Do you know how to read R help pages? When you get an error, you can type help("read.delim") and it will tell you the arguments that the function expects to get. If you know how to read the help page, it tells you what you need to know, i.e., why the code you tried gives an error.
Dear Justin,
If you still need to read several txt files at once, I recommend you to read this or this.
Furthermore, if you are new to this please consider reading at least one workflow on how to perform downstream analysis.
RNA-seq workflow: gene-level exploratory analysis and differential expression
From reads to genes to pathways:Rsubread and the edgeR
RNA-seq analysis is easy as 1-2-3 with limma, Glimma and edgeR
More workflows: https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/BiocViews.html#___GeneExpressionWorkflow