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Last seen 6.3 years ago
Hi, I'm getting an error with some topGO code which used to work. The below code is an example, so you should be able to just paste it in:
all_genes <- rep(c(0,1,1), each=10)
names(all_genes) <- c("LEF1","FOXJ2","ZNF654","TAL1","ZMYM2","DCAF6","PDP1","ZNF302","TMED4","SLC5A6","PLSCR1","RPL41","MARK1","TMSB10","HES6","CACNA2D3","PDLIM1","KLB", "MTMR3","LOC100506804","INPP4B","PSMD4","DPM2","DCAF5","PTPN1","POLE2","POU6F1","IL18R1","POU5F1","PITPNA")
GOdata <- new("topGOdata", ontology = "BP", allGenes = all_genes, geneSel = function(p) p == 1, description = "Test", annot = annFUN.org, mapping="org.Hs.eg.db", ID="Symbol")
The error message that I get is:
Building most specific GOs ..... ( 232 GO terms found. )
Build GO DAG topology ..........
There are no adj nodes for node: GO:0120163 Error in switch(type, isa = 0, partof = 1, -1) : EXPR must be a length 1 vector
Same error occurs if I use org.Mm.eg.db:
library("org.Ms.eg.db") all_genes_ms = rep(c(0,1,1), each=10)[1:26] names(all_genes_ms) = c("Zfp654","Foxj2", "Dcaf6", "Zmym2", "Klb","Dcaf5", "Pole2", "Inpp4b","Ptpn1", "Hes6", "Slc5a6","Mtmr3", "Tal1", "Il18r1","Pdp1", "Plscr1","Mark1", "Tmed4", "Psmd4", "Pitpna","Cacna2d3","Pou6f1","Lef1","Pou5f1","Pdlim1","Dpm2") GOdata <- new("topGOdata", ontology = "BP", allGenes = all_genes_ms, geneSel = function(p) p == 1, description = "Test", annot = annFUN.org, mapping="org.Mm.eg.db", ID="Symbol")
Would be great if anyone has any insight into what has gone wrong.
After restarting Rstudio, the error has vanished. Quite bizarre.