How is the maintainer("packagename") maintained by Bioconductor? Because I couldn't reach the maintainer via this webforum, but also I could not reach him/her using the maintainer() option. When I tried to use the e-mail address provided with this option I got: " Mail Delivery System - I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
be delivered to one or more recipients."
So if the maintainer does not respond to problems on the forum with the correct tag and is also not reachable with the provided e-mail address, should the package even exist within Bioconductor then? Eventually, when posting somewhere else and with the help of someone I reached directly via github from Bioconductor the problem was solved, but we both had the same knowledge of the RSVSim program and therefore he wasn't the person who should actually helped me.
I am just wondering, because I got this message from Bioconductor earlier:
"You've tagged your question with 'RSVSim' to indicate that you have a problem with the RSVSim package. If the maintainer of the RSVSim package does not monitor this forum (all maintainers are required to subscribe, but...) ..... You could try to reach out directly to maintainer("RSVSim").
So this implies that there must be some form of maintainment by the developer.
Email them... and then what? If they don't reply, do we remove the package? Do we replace the listed email with an "unknown"? Neither of these are very helpful to users. Do we try to track down the maintainer's current email? Well, you had better hope that their names are sufficiently unique to enable unambiguous identification. And what makes you think that they'll even respond to questions if they can't be bothered to update an email address? Maybe they're now working in a different field, or left academia, or had some other misadventure, e.g., this unfortunate case.
At some point, people need to take individual responsibility. Keeping my contact details up to date is my responsibility, and no one else's - I'm an adult, after all (or at least that's what it says on my tax return). More generally, Bioconductor is built off the work of a volunteer community, and we can't force people to maintain their packages or support users. Fortunately, in many cases, the cream rises to the top, so if you're not satisfied, just switch to a package that is supported and maintained. And if there isn't one, make things better yourself - contribute to the maintenance of an existing package or write your own.