I am very new to this and it might be a very easy one line fix, but I have a quick question about running DESeq2 for 3 samples groups.
I performed ATACseq and RNAseq on 24 different patient samples across 3 different subtypes of leukemic cells (subtypes "E", "H", and "D". I want to see what sites/genes are specific to each subtype using DESeq2. I generated a Matrix with the counts file (below) and have 3 covariates being batch of sequencing (Day), sex of the patient (Sex), and the subtype (Subtype). I then ran DESeq2 on this reducing Day and Sex and looking at Subtype dIfferences. I then ran the results and included the Wald test to test for multiple samples. The Wald test gave me the following table comparing "H" vs "D" (below).
I am interested in now looking at subtypes H vs E and E vs D. Am I missing something (i.e. contrasts)? Will contrasts work if my data is in a matrix? Is this the best way to look at sites/genes specific to each subtype?
> Patient_Subtype_DESeq1<-DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts_ATAC, colData = info_ATAC, design = ~Day+Sex+Subtype)
> Patient_Subtype_DESeq2<-DESeq(Patient_Subtype_DESeq1, test = "LRT", reduced = ~Day+Sex)
> results_Patient_subtype<-results(Patient_Subtype_DESeq2, independentFiltering = FALSE, test = "Wald")
> head(results_Patient_subtype)
log2 fold change (MLE): Subtype H vs D
Wald test p-value: Subtype H vs D
DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns
Thank you for your help!
Thank you so much Mike! I figured out I had a small typo in the contrasts part of the code that was stopping it from working. Easy fix! Thank you again for your help!