Hi everyone,
I am intending to use GOSim to calculate similarities between different GO Terms obtained by Enrichment Analysis of expression data in a plant species. Therefore, I want to use specifically the 'getTermSim' function. However, since this function uses by default the human database, I want to change this and use the Arabidopsis thaliana database (org.At.tair.db) instead. As far as I understand, I have to compute first the ICs for this database from scratch, but I am having some trouble understanding how to achieve this, probably due to lack of experience. Can someone give me some guidance as how to use GOSim with another (non-human) species? Is there documentation I have missed?
Thank you!
I thought the GOSemSim package don't support many species, that's why I wanted to use the GOSim package, but now I have a good solution. Thank you!! This worked for me!